Agricultural Experiment Station
State-Wide Science Centers

Sustainable Agriculture Science Center at Alcalde
Agricultural and natural resource research for north-central New Mexico, including fruit crops and high tunnels for season extension

Artesia Agricultural Science Center
Research in integrated pest management, water management, soil health, soil fertility and remediation, and the evaluation of new crop genetic material

Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center
Sustainable ranch and rangeland research with one of the longest-running vegetation and grazing monitoring efforts

Clayton Livestock Research Center
Health and performance of newly received lightweight calves that are utilized for stocker operations grazing New Mexico rangelands

Clovis Agricultural Science Center
Research on soil and greenhouse gas mitigation, alternative crops, limited irrigated and dryland farming systems, and water management

Corona Range and Livestock Research Center
Research on renewable energy, woody brush invasion, cow-calf production, and big game management to improve economic development

Fabian Garcia Research Center
Horticulture research, including onion and alfalfa breeding, chile, cotton, turf grass, and water management

Agricultural Science Center at Farmington
Research for San Juan County and the Navajo Nation that includes cropping systems research and potato, corn, and alfalfa production

Leyendecker Plant Science Center
Research on chile in conjunction with Fabian Garcia, cotton, pecans, and digital agriculture

Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas
Evaluate crop adaptability, specifically irrigation, pest management, plant growth, and propagation techniques, and alfalfa, beans, chile, and fruit trees

John T. Harrington Forestry Research Center
Focus on tree improvement and eco-physiology of young forest trees to facilitate ecological restoration and reforestation

Rex E. Kirksey Agricultural Science Center
Research on semiarid cropping systems, irrigated forage and grazing management, genetic improvement of beef cattle through feed efficiency testing